Why 90 Day Fiance fans are done with Angela
She’s brash, she’s crass, and now she’s downright abusive to her husband. The time for Angela to leave the 90 Day Fiance franchise is well overdue.
At first, there was something almost endearing about Angela. She channeled the kind of middle American vibes and aesthetic that Honey Boo Boo and Mama June spearheaded back in the 2000s. She had a real shock value, saying things that don’t typically come out of a ‘mee-maw’s mouth. We liked aspects of her giant personality, which occasionally revealed a softer side, like the way that she interacted with her grandchildren and her own mother, her experiencing the loss of her mother, her relationship with her daughter Skyla, and the occasional moment of tenderness with her fiance.
Angela’s relationship with Michael is (or was, it’s so on-again-off-again it’s become hard to identify their relationship status) a curious one. At the most basic level, it would be easy to say Michael’s in it for a green card; Angela herself has been accused in various forums of participating in something more nefarious, visiting another country to ‘secure’ a much younger man in promise of immigration eligibility. Michael is a much younger, and many would say more attractive man. But if you look a little below the surface, there does seem to be a real bond between them. Michael seems to genuinely enjoy Angela’s figure, and Angela regularly recounts their physical encounters in way too much detail than anyone else ever wanted to hear. Michael himself can be relatively immature at times, and although red flags do emerge from time to time, he does seem to genuinely care for Angela.
But things have continued to spiral in the most recent season of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After. Now barely a few words can escape from Michael’s mouth without Angela screeching at him. He can’t seem to say anything serious without her cackling at him (the male fertility clinic storyline was an incredibly cringeworthy example of this). Angela gives Michael incredibly mixed messages about just how willing (or able) she is to fulfil his dream of one day becoming a parent. Her response to everything — ‘I’m American,’ like that makes her lorde some power — has gotten old very quickly (in fact, it was never funny or okay to begin with).
It doesn’t help that the Angela and Michael storyline has criss-crossed across the 90 Day Fiance universe, often meaning that they’re perpetually on, season after season. There’s no time for anything interesting to happen to them, just the same old schtick. Angela’s cosmetic surgeries came to the forefront of the storyline this season, which was new, but it didn’t land well. I have no problem with people getting cosmetic surgery, but did not enjoy the ridiculous flirtation she attempted with one of her cosmetic surgeons. Her chain smoking while recovering, her refusal to stick to the advice of Board-certified surgeons, was all very frustrating to watch. The ‘endearing mee-maw’ was nowhere to be seen this season. Just a lot of complaining and inappropriate behavior towards others, which was at times both harassing and abusive.
Her recent behavior at the Tell-All, where she (spoiler alert) flashes the entire cast and production crew her newly augmented breasts, was once and for all too much. From the outset of the tell-all, she takes over much of the agenda with yelling, (at many times unsuccessfully) trying to find the right camera to yell into at Michael, and generally creating an unpleasant environment for everyone involved, including the viewer. She storms off the set twice — the first cast member to do so multiple times — so much of the show includes her backstage fuming and stomping about. Do I think that Michael’s relatives should tell her what to do with her body? No, absolutely not. I would be annoyed too. But this was a clear attempt for Angela to attempt to steal the show. I can only hope this was the impetus for her exit.