Why we are all so obsessed with Kathy Hilton

Jessica Stewart
3 min readAug 5, 2021


Her sisters have been staples of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills franchise for years. Kim left, but Kyle has remained. Season after season, picking off one cast member at a time. Now her other sister, Kathy, has arrived, and she’s stolen the show. So why are we so enamored with her? And why has she been able to so effortlessly steal the spotlight?

She’s human… and clumsy.

Whether it’s accidentally putting ear drops into her eyes, walking around in coffee-stained pyjamas while the other cast members are uncomfortably dressed to the nines, or standing around with her eye mask pads like it’s part of her lewk, Kathy comes across as more real as most of the other women. That said, she still does outrageous things like ask if Kyle has a houseman to help carry her luggage, or scrub furiously at a broken glass with the BBQ cleaning brush, but somehow we still love her for it. Even though she’s loaded, and sometimes has unrealistic expectations — ‘She used to live at the Waldorf Astoria after all’ — she somehow manages to come across as more human, more humble, and more real, than many of the other cast members who come from — relatively speaking — more humble means.

She has a sense of humor.

One of my favorite scenes so far this season was when Kathy and a few of the other girls pretended to toss back one martini after the other. It was a prank, and Sutton was not impressed at not being included in the joke. Drama ensued. Kathy cackled gleefully — most likely at the prank itself (the martini glasses were filled with water, the waiter was in on the joke), and at how much it pissed off some of the other cast members. I think I’ll avoid her on April Fool’s Day, because I’m sure she’s got some tricks up her sleeve.

The kitchen scene where she goofed around with Kyle was one of the most ridiculous, endearing, hilarious moments I’ve seen on RHOBH. They clearly are sisters who have made each other laugh throughout their lives together, and it was a joy to watch her drive her sister into hysterical laughter.

She doesn’t give a shit.

When Sutton was accused of walking in on a naked Crystal in her hotel room without knocking, terms like ‘violated’ and ‘peeping Tom’ were hurled around like one of those spinny carnival rides that makes everyone throw up. It was later, when everyone was fairly calmly sitting on the couch, that Kathy — with a smirk — simply says, ‘Thomasina’. Sure enough, that set off the whole topic again. Kathy is an instigator, and a cheeky one at that. She creates drama, and then looks innocent about it.

During the middle of intense drama, Kathy will say the most ridiculous things like, “Who is Hunky Dory?” with a curious, befuddled expression on her face. It’s endearing, it lightens the move for viewers, and offers a brief comedic respite from the typical screeching associated with a Real Housewives conflict. Kathy has perfect timing for comedy, and should consider a career in standup or acting… oh wait, she’s done that too. I can definitely see Kathy on a comedy TV show where she gets to ham it up. She’d be the perpetually confused aunt, chirping out random comments with impeccable comic timing, shuffling around in a designer yet tatty fluffy houserobe, hair looking like a rat’s nest one day, perfectly coiffed the next.

At the end of the day, we love Kathy because she’s not doing this for the money or the fame. It’s like she wants to spend time with her sister, so she’s along for the ride, stirring the pot occasionally (or frequently), and providing a unique character in the Real Housewives dynasty that none of us ever knew we needed. And for that, Kathy, we thank you!!



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